Dylan Kate Wagner, one day old at the hospital

Monday, January 9, 2012

No Posts?!?!

Dylan is as disgruntled about the lack of new posts as you, our dear readers, are. More to come soon.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Two Photo Tuesday

Friday, November 25, 2011

Keep Your Head On a Swivel!

For anyone yet to take photos with a baby, especially photos for a Christmas card, a big tip is to not try and make the baby look in the same direction you are looking, but rather you look the same direction the baby is looking. Catch the difference? It is subtle but powerful.

We learned this last year, we tried to get Dylan to look at the camera, our wonderful photographer did her best to get Dylan's attention, but it wasn't really working. Our 'eureka' moment happened and we all shifted so that we now were looking in the same direction as Dylan. This method rules out taking a picture in front of something notable, as the shifting and moving with the baby may remove the leaning tower of Pisa or Statue of Liberty from the background, but don't worry, most people just want to see the baby.

Here are some photos of Dylan not looking at the camera:

Here is the winning photo, when we turned ourselves to look at whatever it was Dylan was focused on:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving! In Texas!

Dylan is thankful for her necklaces.

She made a sign:

See? She really made it, she loves to draw and write and takes it very seriously.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Our first Halloween in Dallas. We weren't sure if we would get any trick or treaters, little did we know that our block is trick or treat central and people actually drive to our neighborhood for Halloween. It was fun!

Dylan dressed up as a sort of strawberry butterfly and pulled it off flawlessly.
Marisa did a wonderful job decorating and making it festive, several small children complimented her on the decorations and one family even took a picture in front of our door. Make that two families if you count these two:
Some trick or treaters, notice the mysterious and freakish swollen foot in the lower right corner:
Dylan trying to figure out A) what this is and B) how do I open it?
There are some things she will just have to wait on until she is older.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Two for Friday

Dylan loves the slide. And going head first down the slide, she is such a daredevil.
And such a cute kid. What a little chipmunk.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Messy Face!