Dylan Kate Wagner, one day old at the hospital

Saturday, December 4, 2010

10 weeks/70 days old

That is right, today Dylan is 10 weeks/70 days old. We could get down to hours and seconds but that might be a bit excessive. So what is life like as a 70 day old baby? Here is a very small glimpse in.

Bath time- staying fresh and fragrant is a must.
She is very calm and cooperative during bath time.

Now that she is clean it is time to show off the wardrobe.
Doing what she does best: being cute.
I'm sure someone bought her these little booties as a gift and I'm sure Marisa knows who that person is, but I don't. But they sure look cute. Just found out, they were a gift from the Kendalls, but I am certain that Britton picked them out. Good work Britton.
Dylan, chillin.
Just a few minutes later... 1 step beyond chillin.
Later that afternoon... more chillin.
See the fist? She is telling you to stay strong.
We should have added a shot of in her stroller, because that is a pretty essential part of her life, but she is usually asleep in it. The first ten weeks have been a lot of fun, we have had a great time being parents and getting to know our little girl. Sometimes we just stare at her. I always liked kids and babies well enough, but nothing could prepare me for how much I love her and I know Marisa feels the same way.

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